Hey there….I am Alexandrîe Chchen Helhin,…well I was untel I died the 18’th of March 1989 at Jungfrau Joch Switzerland….the night before I célébrâted my engagement to Lisa Steiner at Dracula Club Saint Moritz…The following Skiing Trip was a part of the Life Time membership achievement. I had to be reborn with the same consciousness and the same DNA. The 3rd April 1990 7:49. The life before I was born the 28’th of September 1971 11:57 a.m in Zurich.
In all the time I was as Zarewitch Alexandrîe in Russia.
My first memory is the 16’th of August 16648 BCE when my family split and an Appokalypse through the Kosmos started. My parents at that state were Galadriel and Sauron where as my father still keeps the spirit of Sauron and my mother the Soul of Galadriel.
In this life I started working as Entrepreneur from thê age of 17.
Since then I developed the first iPad mini, thê first iPad Pro…by the way thê Beosound one, later the diamond dust folia, thê Quantum Processors which where designed and is controlled by a Quantum AI completely programmed by me, to Apple Inc. I also own about 50% of YouTube, 51% of Apple Inc., And had 32% of Google Alphabet whom I lost to Elon Musk…he especially bought my project “Google Sky” to navigate through the whole Universe. I programmed Google Earth on life meteorological view, I programmed You Tube live and Apple enables a project of mine on Apple Maps “3 D Earth”. My Quantum portals on the base of my free optical Processors enable conducted to each other as 1,7 K Diamonds (perfectly shaped) at there Core for Energy Ressources to connect to Gondor and Corroscont so far.
Hey there….I am Alexandrîe Chchen Helhin,…well I was untel I died the 18’th of March 1989 at Jungfrau Joch Switzerland….the night before I célébrâted my engagement to Lisa Steiner at Dracula Club Saint Moritz…The following Skiing Trip was a part of the Life Time membership achievement. I had to be reborn with the same consciousness and the same DNA. The 3rd April 1990 7:49. The life before I was born the 28’th of September 1971 11:57 a.m in Zurich.
In all the time I was as Zarewitch Alexandrîe in Russia.
My first memory is the 16’th of August 16648 BCE when my family split and an Appokalypse through the Kosmos started. My parents at that state were Galadriel and Sauron where as my father still keeps the spirit of Sauron and my mother the Soul of Galadriel.
In this life I started working as Entrepreneur from thê age of 17.
Since then I developed the first iPad mini, thê first iPad Pro…by the way thê Beosound one, later the diamond dust folia, thê Quantum Processors which where designed and is controlled by a Quantum AI completely programmed by me, to Apple Inc. I also own about 50% of YouTube, 51% of Apple Inc., And had 32% of Google Alphabet whom I lost to Elon Musk…he especially bought my project “Google Sky” to navigate through the whole Universe. I programmed Google Earth on life meteorological view, I programmed You Tube live and Apple enables a project of mine on Apple Maps “3 D Earth”. My Quantum portals on the base of my free optical Processors enable conducted to each other as 1,7 K Diamonds (perfectly shaped) at there Core for Energy Ressources to connect to Gondor and Corroscont so far.